herbivorous boys @ Japan Times
Japan Timesが、日本の草食系男子現象について記事を書いて世界に配信しています。内容としては牛窪さんと森岡へのインタビューが中心になってます。私の発言は、こんな感じで始まってます。
At the root of all these changes in the male species is the fact that men in Japan have been freed from pressures to "be manly," argues Masahiro Morioka, professor of philosophy at Osaka Prefecture University and author of "Soshokukei Danshi no Ren-ai Gaku (The How-to Guide to Relationships for Soshokukei Boys)," published in July 2008.
He attributes the soshokukei trend to the postwar peace Japan has enjoyed for the last six decades.
"The most 'manly' men, I think, are soldiers on the battlefields," Morioka said. "But the pressures for men to act manly have gradually faded over the last six decades. As a result, the (per capita) rate of murders committed by men in their 20s in Japan is now the lowest in the world. ........
『草食系男子の恋愛学』は、The How-to Guide to Relationships for Soshokukei Boysって訳すんですね。なるほど。relationships だけで「恋愛」というニュアンスがあるんですね(辞書にも載ってました)。