When Brit Hume did a joint interview last week with Bush father and son, dubbed “41st guy” and “43rd guy” by W., the Fox anchor asked whether it was true that “there wasn’t a lot of give and take” between them, except on family matters.
“See,” the Oedipally oddball W. replied, “the interesting thing is that a president has got plenty of advisers, but what a president never has is someone who gave him unconditional love.”
He talks about his father, the commander in chief who went to war with Saddam before he did, like a puppy. “You rarely have people,” he said, “who can pick up the phone and say, ‘I love you, son,’ or, ‘Hang in there, son.’ ”
Maybe he wouldn’t have needed so many Hang-in-there-sons if he had actually consulted his dad before he ignorantly and fraudulently rammed into the Middle East.
インタビュアーが、ブッシュ父子に、両者の関係を尋ねたところ、ファザコンのブッシュ(子)は言った、「大統領にはたくさんのアドバイザーがいるものだが、しかし大統領には「無条件の愛unconditional love」を与えてくれる人物はいないものだよ。電話をかけてきて、「息子よ、愛しているよ」とか、「息子よ、くじけるな、がんばれ」と言ってくれる人はめったにいないものだよ」。