
米国のOpen Court Publishing Company という出版社が、「マンガと哲学」「アニメと哲学」という2冊の論文集を出すので、論文原稿を世界から広く募集しています。このテーマに興味ある方はぜひコンタクトして、執筆してみては? Popular Culture and Philosophy® seriesというシリーズの一冊になるらしいです。簡単なアウトラインを今年の1月31日までに送って欲しいとのこと。


Call for Submissions
Anime, Manga and Philosophy

Open Court is currently accepting Abstracts and Proposals for two volumes: Anime and Philosophy and Manga and Philosophy, for publication in late 2009 or early 2010. Your proposal can address any topic or use any approach that seems relevant or is exciting to you.
The goal is to use philosophy and/or theory as a tool to create a deeper and more thoughtful exploration and understanding of issues raised by anime or manga and their implications. We are not Fan Boy (or Girl) Culture -- we are instead engaging in a serious analysis of anime and manga using philosophic tools and methods to further our
inquiry. While we want a non-academic writing style that has personality and is easy to understand -- engaging lay readers, especially thoughtful fans -- we want the concepts and analysis to be complex, exposing the reader to new ideas and approaches that they may not have considered in simply watching anime or reading manga.

Your analysis can rest solely in anime or solely in manga or you may move back and forth between the two if that best suits your analysis. You may examine a single film or book, multiple episodes or editions, anime or manga series as a whole, specific subcategories within anime or manga, regional variations and derivations, and so forth. Your analysis could center on one particular filmmaker or writer/artist.
Related games and gaming are possible topics as well. You could also engage in a cross-media, thematic or contextual analysis. You could even address software such as Anime Studio or Manga Studio. But always keep in mind that anime or manga should be your central focus, and not the analytical concepts or approaches that you bring to bear on your topic. These are not philosophy textbooks but rather books about anime and manga.

We encourage multiple submissions, particularly a single contributor writing chapters for each book as long as the individual chapters are distinct and able to stand alone. Each finished volume will consist of approximately twenty (20) chapters.

Your proposal should be 1 to 2 pages that briefly summarize and outline your analysis. Finished manuscripts will be about 12 to 15 typed pages; further guidelines will be provided to accepted contributors. Proposal submissions are DUE by January 31, 2009.
Acceptances will be notified by February 21.

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2009
Submission Email: ocb...@gmail.com




マンガと哲学、アニメと哲学、ということになると、居ても立ってもいられなくなる人がいるのでは? 上の説明読むと、ゲームと哲学というのもOKらしい。ぜひ日本からも執筆者として参加しましょう。もし興味ある人がお知り合いにいたら、ぜひ教えてあげてください。